The nerves are fibres that connect the muscles, glands, organs etc., with the brain and the spinal cord. They carry signals to and from the brain in controlling the activity in the body. The ultimate lack of control of the nervous system may result in a total breakdown. This programme attempts to d ...Read more
Common price: AUD75.00 Our price: AUD55.00 each

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The nerves are fibres that connect the muscles, glands, organs etc., with the brain and the spinal cord. They carry signals to and from the brain in controlling the activity in the body. The ultimate lack of control of the nervous system may result in a total breakdown.

This programme attempts to deal with controlling this system; promoting calm and relaxation - not to be confused with #21 - Deep Relaxation, which is a technique for relaxation and recommended for use with this programme. Attitude and confidence in your ability to control your nerves are key points. It puts you in control of your bodily functions and promotes handling situations with ease and confidence.

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