This is the fear that keeps people out of the mainstream of life. Being exposed to people or crowds in open or public places can cause panic or anxiety attacks. It places tremendous limitations on the activities of people. Seldom are they anywhere without a support person - a person they trust and c ...Read more
Common price: AUD75.00 Our price: AUD55.00 each

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This is the fear that keeps people out of the mainstream of life. Being exposed to people or crowds in open or public places can cause panic or anxiety attacks. It places tremendous limitations on the activities of people. Seldom are they anywhere without a support person - a person they trust and count on when going anywhere in public.

This programme is designed to put the agoraphobic person back in control. Fears will dissolve and disappear. Self-image and confidence building affirmations, loving and forgiving thoughts, a clear and calm mind help create new attitudes for the agoraphobic to become an active, energetic, outgoing person once again, getting things done and accomplishing desires without any limitations.

Some examples of affirmations are: "you are a good, deserving person that people like" -"you like people". You begin to see yourself as the person you want to be. Your reactions diminish and become normal responses because of your complete control.

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