Many people have difficulty falling asleep. Nothing is more frustrating than to be tired, go to bed and lie there awake. Your mind becomes active and it is impossible to sleep. Much of the problem is the thinking that is done in regard to "not being able to go to sleep". This programme is designed ...Read more
Common price: AUD75.00 Our price: AUD55.00 each

  • Description
  • Specifications

Many people have difficulty falling asleep. Nothing is more frustrating than to be tired, go to bed and lie there awake. Your mind becomes active and it is impossible to sleep. Much of the problem is the thinking that is done in regard to "not being able to go to sleep".

This programme is designed to create an attitude about sleep. When you are tired, you can sleep. You need rest and it is enjoyable. It creates a need for regular sleep and sleep when you want to. Get a good night’s rest and be the best when you awake. Problems, tension, anxiety, all fade when you are ready to rest. People who suffer from insomnia will find this programme very helpful.

We recommend #3 and /or #21 for use with this programme.

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