Setting goals is nothing new to any human being. Your entire life revolves around goal setting. A goal is a pre-planned end result. To drive your car to the grocers store is a conscious goal -- the conscious sets goals. To get you there your subconscious provides all the necessary information. The s ...Read more
Common price: AUD75.00 Our price: AUD55.00 each

  • Description
  • Specifications

Setting goals is nothing new to any human being. Your entire life revolves around goal setting. A goal is a pre-planned end result. To drive your car to the grocers store is a conscious goal -- the conscious sets goals. To get you there your subconscious provides all the necessary information. The subconscious satisfies the goals of the conscious with information it has accumulated over your life-time. Your mind then is a success mechanism. It sets and satisfies goals.

If the goals are negative or the information you have accumulated is negative then the results will be negative. It cannot be anything else. Also the opposite is true -- positive begets positive. Whatever you spend your time thinking about, you are setting up as goals for the subconscious to act on.

The programme is designed to create positive goal-setting information for the subconscious to feed to the conscious. When you begin thinking about specific goals, short term and long term, they will be positive and you will seek positive achievement of your goals.

The information supplied will aid you in consciously setting and thinking only about positive goals It creates harmony between your conscious and subconscious to successfully satisfy your positive conscious goals. Obviously, this programme can be used with any other programme. Along with #30 and #31, we strongly recommend that it be part of everyone’s library.

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