Learning is 50% education and 50% experience. The learning skills are actually the ability to re-call education. With a mind system that can and does process 100 million messages per second, re-calling bits and pieces of appropriate information can be a challenge. Learning needs to be easy and fun. ...Read more
Common price: AUD75.00 Our price: AUD55.00 each

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Learning is 50% education and 50% experience. The learning skills are actually the ability to re-call education. With a mind system that can and does process 100 million messages per second, re-calling bits and pieces of appropriate information can be a challenge. Learning needs to be easy and fun.

This programme is designed to make learning easier; to assist you in processing information for easier re-call. Your subconscious is like a sponge soaking up information and the easier you can re-call your experiences and learned knowledge, the better you are going to be. The key is to sharpen the entire process of learning and re-calling information. You will be able to learn anything you desire to learn.

We highly recommend this programme for mature students.

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