Unresponsive, unloving, under-sexed, are all terms that describe frigidity. Psychologically, there may be many reasons why you do not allow yourself to feel the warmth and the sensuality of a loving experience. In most cases it is psychological and not physical. This programme is designed to create ...Read more
Common price: AUD75.00 Our price: AUD55.00 each

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Unresponsive, unloving, under-sexed, are all terms that describe frigidity. Psychologically, there may be many reasons why you do not allow yourself to feel the warmth and the sensuality of a loving experience. In most cases it is psychological and not physical.

This programme is designed to create an expectancy in regard to love. Learn to expect love and warmth; to experience sensuous feelings; to enjoy love; to experience orgasm and they will happen for you. Your attitude about making love will improve every day. Stimulation and excitement will be easier for you and you will look forward to the experience. The programme simply works at creating natural responses that most people experience.

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